Saturday, January 21, 2012

The King Of Fruit---Durian!!

This is my first post about Malaysian Culture =D
I've been busy with Korean music culture updates for it always lit up my day.=)
But Malaysian food culture lit up my craves!=DD

Some might know and some might not know.
Malaysia is a tropical country right above the equator.  (Garisan Khatulistiwa in Malay)
All year like summer with high rain volumes and away from earthquakes and see no volcano here.

Today's Talk : 
Durian,  pride of Malaysia.XD

It is known as The King Of Fruits.
Very....'outstanding' smell and taste XD something that not all could accept.
Not even all Malaysian.
But I do! I love it!
I think durian somehow portraits Malaysian.
Something that's sweet and comes in different flavor and different breed.
But if you overdose on it, Fever, sore throat and headache comes together. No fun.
Too Malaysian.

Durian was a seasonal fruit that appears on the market around December.
Now we often see it anytime but in December, is the PEAK season.

Hell Yeah.

The main reason I wanted to post about durian is this photo above.
That's what we had last December.
10 Kilograms of Musang King (The breed's name) known to be small seed and expensive too.
Rm 55 per kilogram.
Where normal breed like D24, D2 and more are sold 3 for Rm 10.
But Musang King definitely worth the price.
=DD we ate meals of durian!!! XD

When you're in Malaysia, this is certainly one of the must-try.
TRY even though you heard rumors about it XD
At least you know how it taste like.
and I think is taste GREAT.


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