Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A small gift while I'm warming up.

It's been so long, buddies.
After this long long BREAK, I'm finally back.
2012 ended and Hello, 2013.
A bit late but nevertheless,
                    Happy New Year, people!=)
I left my blog by itself pretty long.
So I won't be posting whatever had been outdated already by now.
But hey... I can't come back with nothing, can I?XD

Been liking this singer, Zion T lately.

He's pretty mysterious and probably underground.
I'm still not sure solo or what entertainment he's in.
Found it! He's a singer debuted under the agency Amoeba Culture (which is the same agency with Simon D) 
But He hooked me up with a slick jazzy vocal.

Together with Simon D , Zion T did a featuring in the song named "Green Leaf Love" which was performed in Immortal Song 2.

Then I realised this fella is good. And found another work of his with Simon D "Stay Cool" in Simon D's Solo Album "SNL League".You might like the combination of Simon D's deep bold voice and Zion T's light and easy tone.

Further, Found out he's pretty fond by Primary (A music producer who always 'borrow' voices from others and significance as a box with button eyes and nose) and did a whole song featuring in "Meet".

Primary has teamed up him with Choiza from Dynamic Duo for his song "?" called Question Mark. (No errors here~!) and They even promoted it through music stage which is pretty rare. Either for Zion T or Primary.

Zion T featured in DOK2's "Secret 2" in DOK2's latest album. Jaywalkers and VIPs might know him better. DOK2 had been doing some quite famous featurings like Jay Park's album and GD's "Light It Up"~ 

Probably the one and only song that belongs to Zion T, "Click Me". (Well, at least is the only one I found) and also featured by DOK2, showing much friendship.=)

This should be the latest of all.
He also did a featuring for Infinite H which debut as a sub unit from Infinite.
In the album "Fly High", There's "Without You ft. Zion T"

I personally enjoyed his songs and find a certain style in common. I'm just recommending because I like it. XD
Hope you guys like it too~!


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